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chanceler1 (1120-40)

chanceler1 (1120-40)

chancelier,  chancelir,  chancellere,  chanceller,  chancellier,  chancellor,  chancelor,  chancilier,  chanselour;  chaunceler,  chauncelere,  chauncelier,  chauncellar,  chaunceller,  chauncellere,  chauncellier,  chauncelir,  chauncellir,  chauncellur;  chauncler,  choinseler,  chonceler,  chonseler  (chaimcellier (l. chauncellier)  Rot Parl1 i 353 chancellarie Heresy Rich II 28)  
  FEW:  cancellarius 2/i,173a Gdf: GdfC:  chancelier 9,35c TL: chancelier  DEAF:  chancelier  DMF:  chancelier  TLF:  chancelier  OED:  chancellor n.  MED:  chaunceler n.  DMLBS:  cancellarius 255a


1occupationstatuseccl.acad.lawchancellor (of king, archbishop, university etc.)
( MS: 1120-40 )  Li cancelers cui li mesters an eret, Cil list la cartre  S Alexis1 376
( c.1184; MS: s.xiiiex )  Pus fist de luy sun chancelier, De tut le regne cunseiler E du tresor  S Thom beneit1 121
( MS: c.1250 )  hic sigillarius, hic cancellarius: chanceler  TLL i 417
( c.1270; MS: s.xiii4/4 )  l’ercevesque e son chanceler  S Rich ANTS M714
( 1324 )  Et vous, tresorier et chanceler de Eschequier, […]  Westm Chron 462
( 1327 )  le chauncellier et la université de Cantebr[ugge]  Rot Parl2 170
( c.1365 )  […] au roy ou au chancilier (var. (V: s.xv1) chaunceller; (S: c.1430-40) chancellier) d’Angleterre  Blk Bk Adm 66
2lawoccupationnotary public
( 1287-97 )  a mestre G. de S., chanceler de Hereford  Westm Wenlok 137
( c.1356 )  paont a conseler pur sire .j. d., et le fee du choinseler, et yssint al clerk soun fee  ROUGH 16
3 name (used as a surname)
( 1214 )  Richard le Chaunceler  Family Names Chancellor
( 1327 )  William le Chaunceler  Family Names Chancellor

See also:

chancelerie  chancerie 
This is an AND2 Phase 1 (A-E) entry © 2000-2006 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. On-line entry partially revised after the print version of AND2 went to press (2007-03-22) The printed edition of AND2 A-E is published by Taylor & Francis for the MHRA, sole owners of the print-media publication rights. All other rights reserved. Digitisation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.